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Magical Exfoliating Foot Mask (3 pairs, healthcare)

Magical Exfoliating Foot Mask (3 pairs, healthcare)

  • $16.90
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Magical Exfoliating Foot Mask

Fancy keeping your feet moisturized & smooth? 😄

Use this magical exfoliating foot mask now!

  • Smart & innovative foot care solution to foot issues (dry, smell, etc.)!
  • Protects your feet properly, keep smooth and soft like baby's foot!
  • Natural extracts enable natural exfoliation and moisturized feet, removing unwanted dead skin gently and effectively!
  • Or your friend may need this wonder product as a gift? Surprise him/her!


Package includes 3 bags consisting of 3 pairs (6pcs) of magical foot mask.

Packaging details: ~50g (3 bags), 19cm x 16cm x 6cm.

Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery from your purchase date.


Usage Instructions: IMPORTANT

Please follow the instructions closely as it will affect the effect of foot mask.

1. Wash and soak your feet with warm/hot water, then dry your feet.

2. Use scissor to cut the seal of the foot mask package.

3. Wear the foot mask (recommended to wear a pair of normal socks outside this mask to ensure masks stay in place with sufficient contact and to facilitate your movement).

4. Remove the foot mask after 35-95mins, then clean your feet.

5. Most people start to peel off dead skin after 48 hours usage. After using for about 3-5 days, the dry skins will gradually peel off in ~5-15days' time. The timing of peel off varies among people due to different metabolism. You may experience tingling or warming sensation which indicates that the masks are working. Stop using if you encounter uncomfortable burning sensation.

When your feet started peeling dead skins, soaking in warm water (with added vinegar) every night is recommended. You may use a feet exfoliating tool to remove the dead skin gently. Do not apply lotion/moisturizer because you want your dead skin to peel off.

Due to different skin type, some people may need to use 2-3 pairs of the foot mask again 48 hours later if not enough peeling. If you don't see peeling within 7 days, you may use another mask to enhance absorption and expedite peeling. It is however, not recommended if you have newly peeled skin or wounds/cuts.

6. After the 48 hours use, we suggest you soak your feet with warm/hot water again.

Extra Notes:

1. For people with extremely rough cuticles, you may also exfoliate your feet prior to using the masks.

2. Do not use the mask if you have active cuts or wounds as the masks may cause irritation.

3. After using the masks, please restrain from excessive walking, high heels and/or excess gym.

4. If you have concern of whether you can use it or not, please consult your physician.

5. It is not recommended for people with special health conditions, eg. pregnant.

6.This product is not intended to cure or diagnose diseases.

Results Expectation:

- Your feet may look white, wrinkled, numb & dry after removing the masks. This is normal and people who respond fast will see their feet peeling fast. For most people, it takes ~2-3 pairs so we've included 3 pairs for you per lot.

User Manual - the correct instruction is very important, it will influence the effect of foot mask.
1. Wash and soak your feet with hot water, then dry your feet.
2. use the scissor to cut the seal of the foot mask package.
3. wear the foot mask, we recommended to wear a pair of normal socks outside to assure sufficient contact with essence.
4.remove the foot mask after 35-95 mins, then clean your feet.
5. Most people start to peel off dead skin after 48-hours use, but due to different skin type, someone may needs to use 2-3 pair, please use foot mask again 48 hours later.
6. do not use the mask if you have active cut or wounds.
7. we suggest you to soak your feet with hot water after 48-hours use.





